Generate Programs
Step type: Simple user interface.
Step description: This step generates transformation programs for each task generated in the previous step Generate transformation tasks. The generated programs are tailored to execute the respective task type of the table according to the defined execution strategy.
The program for tables with the NZD setting must be generated by programs in the respective NZD step summary task. For more information, see the chapter Generate Programs for Delta Tables.
Detailed functions: The following parameters are available:
Tables: Allows you to restrict the program generation to specific tables.
NOTE A restriction to specific tables requires expert knowledge. Before the transformation execution, all tables must have the required programs generated. -
Task types: Allows you to restrict the program generation to specific task types:
R: Read task
C: Conversion task
D: Deletion task
B: Beam task
L: Delta read task
M: Delta delete task
NOTE A restriction to a specific task type requires expert knowledge. Before the transformation execution, all tables must have the required programs generated. -
Generate non-existing reports: Allows you to only generate programs which have not been generated yet, for example when a new table is added.
Regenerate all reports: Generates all the reports again and overwrites the old ones.